Sure, here are ten popular Chrome extensions that offer a paid or premium version:

  1. Grammarly - A writing assistant tool that checks for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. The premium version offers advanced grammar and contextual spelling suggestions, among other features.
  2. Adblock Plus - An ad blocker that lets users block intrusive ads and pop-ups. The premium version allows for advanced customization options and additional filtering features.
  3. LastPass - A password manager that securely stores and autofills login credentials. The premium version offers additional features such as emergency access and priority customer support.
  4. Honey - A coupon-finding extension that automatically applies discounts at checkout. The premium version offers more advanced savings options and cashback rewards.
  5. Momentum - A personalized dashboard that displays a to-do list, weather forecast, and inspirational quotes. The premium version offers additional customization options and features such as focus mode and productivity tracking.
  6. Evernote Web Clipper - A note-taking and organizing tool that lets users save web pages and images. The premium version offers additional storage, search functionality, and collaboration features.
  7. Pushbullet - A notification syncing extension that displays phone notifications on a computer. The premium version offers larger file transfers and additional messaging features.
  8. Pocket - A read-it-later tool that lets users save articles and videos to view offline. The premium version offers advanced search and filtering options and a permanent library of saved items.
  9. Todoist - A task manager that helps users track and organize their to-do lists. The premium version offers additional features such as reminders, labels, and project templates.
  10. Enhancer for YouTube - A YouTube extension that offers features such as ad blocking, dark mode, and custom playback speed. The premium version offers additional features such as video downloading and channel filtering.