Yes, I can guide you on how to generate ReadTheDocs for a Python project. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a documentation directory: Create a new directory in your project directory, and name it “docs”.

  2. Install Sphinx: Sphinx is a tool that can generate documentation in several formats, including ReadTheDocs. Install it using pip: pip install sphinx.

  3. Initialize Sphinx: In the “docs” directory, initialize Sphinx using the sphinx-quickstart command. This command will create a few files and directories to get you started.

  4. Configure Sphinx: Edit the “” file in the “docs” directory to configure Sphinx. Here, you can set the project name, author, version, and other metadata. You can also configure the output format to generate ReadTheDocs documentation.

  5. Write documentation: In the “docs” directory, create a new file with the “.rst” extension to write your documentation in reStructuredText format.

  6. Build documentation: Run the make html command in the “docs” directory to generate HTML documentation. This will create a “build” directory with the HTML files.

  7. Set up ReadTheDocs: Create an account on ReadTheDocs, and add your project. Then, follow the instructions to link your project repository and configure the documentation.

  8. Trigger documentation build: Once ReadTheDocs is set up, every time you push changes to your project repository, ReadTheDocs will automatically build and publish the updated documentation.

These are the general steps to generate ReadTheDocs for a Python project using Sphinx. However, there are additional configuration options and advanced features available with Sphinx and ReadTheDocs that you can explore to customize your documentation.