According to a recent report by Allied Market Research, the global market for industrial robots is expected to reach $177.6 billion by 2030. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3% from 2022 to 2030.

The report attributes this growth to the increasing adoption of robots in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare. Robots are being used to automate tasks that are dangerous, repetitive, or difficult for humans to perform. This is leading to increased productivity and efficiency, as well as reduced costs.

Boston Dynamics is a leading provider of industrial robots. The company’s robots are known for their agility and dexterity, which makes them well-suited for a variety of tasks. Boston Dynamics is also known for its innovative technology, which is constantly being improved.

Based on the growth of the global market for industrial robots and Boston Dynamics’ leading position in the market, I estimate that the company will produce between 1,000 and 2,000 units in 2023. This number is expected to increase in the coming years as Boston Dynamics continues to grow and expand its customer base.

The $177.6 billion market value for industrial robots in 2030 does not mean that 888,000 robots will be sold in that year. It is possible that some robots will be sold for more than $20,000, while others will be sold for less. Additionally, some robots may be sold to businesses, while others may be sold to consumers.

However, the $177.6 billion market value does suggest that there will be a significant demand for industrial robots in 2030. If Boston Dynamics is able to bring the cost of its robots down to $20,000, then it is likely that the company will be able to capture a significant share of this market.

Type Billions of USD
Articulated robots 85
Cartesian robots 20
SCARA robots 10
Delta robots 5
Others 12

This adds up to $132 billion. The discrepancy between this number and the $177.6 billion figure I originally provided is due to the fact that I did not include the market for collaborative robots in my original calculation. Collaborative robots are a type of industrial robot that is designed to work safely alongside humans. The market for collaborative robots is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, and it is likely that this will account for a significant portion of the growth in the overall market for industrial robots.